As it is our tradition at our school, last week Colegio Buin has its Solemn Exam from 7th to 12th grade. This is exam is no less than a little thesis defense presented in groups of no more than five students over a chosen topic.
First introduced by the Language department in 2008 as Prueba Solemne and followed in 2011 by the English Department that by the time was in search of a new evaluating tool. Both exams in Spanish and in English demand for and promote a number of different skills than merely memorizing a few lines. It deals with delevoping paraverbal and non-verbal components of the language along with a critical, rigurous, creative and open attitude towards language that will enable students to develop a sense of respect and acceptance of diversity among people and cultures.
This year the jury of the Solemn Exam was composed by four judges: two permanent members from the English department, one member from the School management team and a fellow teacher.
It was simply amazing to see our students’ great performances inspite of the few hours a week of English they have; they certainly make the best out of it.
The English Department would like to thank to all the fellow teachers who made the Solemn Exam 2015 possible either participating as a judge of taking other teachers’ classes.
Congratulations to all our students for their hard work and encourage them keep up the good work throughout the year. Keep smiling winter break is around the corner.
Enjoy the pictures of some of the groups and some of the souvenirs and props they used to enhance their presentations.
By Flowerpower.
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